
Transparency provided by our flour supplier:

Eickernmühle, Dr. Bernd Nagel-Held

Questions to Dr. Nagel-Held, General Manager of Eickernmühle (

Do you recall your first contact with organic food?

My grandmother influenced my entire childhood with products and thoughts that were quite different from the progression-oriented mainstream. Their prophetic strength still impresses me today more than anything else.

What does your company supply and why did you decide to commit yourself to organic products?

It all started 25 years ago with muesli flakes in organic quality. Since then our mill has also processed organic raw materials.

What is the philosophy behind your company?

Quantity must not be detrimental to quality. Organic products require a clear and honest source of origin. We scrutinize and consider everything more than once, we check at site beyond the usual and predicable tracks. Stable relationships with our grain suppliers and an advising control body are the main pillars of our safety philosophy.

How do you guarantee the quality of your organic products?

In analytical terms, the product quality has of course to comply with the purpose of processing. However, organic quality means more to us. It all starts in the field which we like to visit and inspect and with the farmer at whose table we also want to sit with from time to time. This transparent processing chain is our reply to anonymity.

How do you see the future of organic farming and the organic food trade?

Back to the roots and keeping away from global organic products in areas where it can be done differently. Organic products must grow to make the world a better place!